Birds are holy, aren’t they?


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In many cultures birds are eaten, kept as pets, and sometimes worshipped as gods, Like the Ibis in Egypt, the Parrot in the Amazon, and the Crane in China.

The Crane is an elegant bird. Daoists see it as the animal of choise to carry them to the immortal heavens. In Qigong the crane moements are often imitated to develop health. It is the flight of the crane, the mating dance of the crane and so on that inspired many exercises.

Zhang Sanfeng, the inspiration for our program, develope a taiji 13 form of neidan alchemical prctice. He based it on Crane moves. When you practice this taijiquan you instantly fel the move of cranes in it. Zhang saw a Crane fighting with a snake. He saw the crane attack while retreating and avoiding the fangs of the snake. The neidan alchemy he developed has some southern school aspects in it, is somewhat shamanic almost. If you are interested in learning it, contact us for an instructor in your neigbourhood or participate in our online classes. Or sign up to start a career as a daolander and teach crane style of taijiquan in your own community.

You Li-Ou

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