Meditating to find the man at bird mountain


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In Daoist meditation you start where more methods start, with emptying your mind. The method how is different though, although some similaritites can be found too. In our daoist dantian meditation course you quickly discover how much your life can change with a simple 100 days dicipline.

But as you see the 100 days is a starting point for a long proces of transformations, where one transformation makes another possible.

What detail I like to point out here is the associative visual acquity daoist meditation seeks to produce. Daoist masters often tried to depict their medittion experience in calligraphic drawing. Like in the picture you see here. It is a famous piece of calligraphy in one stroke. It depicts she mystical appearence of a birdman during a particular meditation. So that is where it goes. Daoist meditation is a box of pleasant surprises providing mystery and satisfction.

In the Daoland program meditation plays a role in every skill, even in wudang gongfu fitness agility work. Meditation in movement is an essential skill for Chinese medicine, gongfu sports, personal reationship building, and even commerce. Meditation shows you how to think longterm forward, how to dissolve the issues of the past, how to live life without stress.

Contact us for an instructor near you, or learn it online, perhaps you even wish to become a meditation instructor yourself. So start with meditating.

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