You happen to be an Ox in your Chinese Horoscope?


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You might think this article is a bout the ox in Chinese horoscopes, but would you not be more interested in Chinese horoscopes in general?

Chinese horoscopes are based on a cyclical sense of time. Not because the clock everyday returns to zero, but because of the cycles of the moon, the stars and the sun, causing seasonal change etc.

The horoscopic animals were originally not Chinese. The Chinese zodiac consists of twelve animals that first appeared in the Zhan Guo period [5th century B.C.]. No one knows the exact date as of when the zodiac was essentially created, but they were officially identified during the Han Dynasty [206 B.C.–9 A.D.], which was over 2000 years ago. hey sort of appeared when the first Buddhists and tantrists entered China. The Chinese idea of time influencing the world already existed. In that time horoscopes were for the whole world, not for the individual. 

Chen Tuan (871 – 989) was a Song dynasty Daoist scholar. He played a big role in the current understanding of Chinese horoscopes. If I summarize, he said that you are born in a particular timestamp, but eery year that timestamp changs and lets you learn new things, so if you do well, every 12 years you return to your birth sign every 12 years as another person. So your birth character isn’t permanent, and thus as an adult if you are still like your birth sign, you hve lost out on personal growth. 

In Chinese medicine time calculus also is important. What season you are in, what time of the day, how it ffects the working of your mind, behaviour and your internal organs. It affects which points are chosen, or how needles are stimulated, or even how you can benefit from changing daily habits, or your home’s interior.

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